
Leading a healthier lifestyle can help offset genetic heart disease risk

Genetic heart disease risk was considered a fact of life. New research found that lifestyle changes can help offset genetic risks. 

Healthier lifestyle offsets genetic risks 

Dried fruit consumption linked to lower type 2 diabetes risk, study surprisingly finds

For many years dried fruit was thought to be contraindicated for diabetics due to its high sugar content. But new research found it lowers type 2 diabetes risk. 

Dried fruit and diabetes - new findings 


What is the link between vitamin B12 and Crohn's disease?

New research has discovered a link between vitamin B12 and Crohn's disease. Follow this link to learn about it. 

B12 and Crohn's link found 

Western diet impacts the gut, may heighten IBD, colon cancer risk

So much information about diets it gets confusing. New research shows the western diet may cause serious problems. 

Western diet and digestive problems 

Study links specific pesticides to increased risk of over 6 types of cancers

Pesticides are created to kill pests. But research shows some are also killing us. 

Pesticides linked to cancers 

Delaying diabetes for 4 years via lifestyle changes lowers heart disease, death risk

New research shows that delaying diabetes for 4 years can have a significant impact lowereing the risk of heart disease or even death. 

Delay diabetes for lower health disease risk 

Mediterranean diet may help boost longevity in cancer survivors

The benefits of the Mediterranean diet have been well publicized. Here is a new one. The diet may help lengthen the lives of cancer survivors. 

Mediterranean diet for longevity 

New question-based test may help spot early signs of dementia

Dementia affects the sufferer and their family and friends. A new test is showing promise as a way to identify early signs. 

Test to spot early signs of dementia shows promise 

Dietary considerations for those with Sjögren disease

Sjogren is a disease with no cure currently. While not fatal it can certainly affect quality of life as it makes the eyes mouth dry. Lack of saliva affects the ability to taste and also affects the ability to swallow.    

Diet affects Sjogren disease 

Swapping butter for plant-based oils may reduce heart disease, diabetes risk

Replacing butter with plant-based oils may be a way to reduce heart disease and diabetes risk. There are a number of options available in supermarkets and health food stores.

Replace butter to lower risks